Tuesday, August 7, 2012

On Sabbath some of my new friends took me around the island. We went to several of the historic sites. There was the Last Command were the Japanese had their last stronghold on the island. Then Banzai Cliff where the women and children jumped to their deaths to avoid capture, Also Suicide Cliff where the men jumped. This cliff overlooked Banzai Cliff and had a good view of the island. The Banzai Cliff overlooks the ocean and is a good place to spot Sea Turtles. We were lucky and got to see one!   We also went to the overlook for Bird Island. in the spring and fall migrating birds use this tiny island as a resting point on their journey. It was not inhabited when we were there, but it was beautiful.  
One last place that we went was to the Grotto. We walked down a lot of steep steps, as steep or steeper then Lula Lake but not as long. At the bottom it opened into a tiny round canyon. The sea water entered though a low arch in the wall. The water was the most intense blue that I have ever seen! It was amazing! It is said that it has some of the best snorkeling, and I cannot wait to try it out. 
I started work this Monday. The kids will be coming Thursday so we are all scrambling to get ready for them. The teachers are in orientation and we catch some of it between registering kids. 
I went to the street market tonight. It was fun. I finally got to try fresh coconut juice! It was soooooo goood! Now to have a whole coconut :) The street market on Thursday is supposed to be bigger then the one on Tuesday, so they should have whole coconuts then. 
I will be moving to my permanent apartment as soon as we can get the electricity turned on. It is just down the hall from where I am now. I am living in an apartment complex. It is quite nice. I have seen a number of cockroaches. Not as many as I expected though they are decidedly bigger then the ones at home. 
Everything is going well. Keep me in your prayers!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I have made it to Saipan! When we got here there were people here to greet me and Miss Sharon our principal. They had a big sign and we took pictures with everyone.
Some of them brought me to the apartment that I am sharing with Sarai and helped me settle in. Some of us went out to town to get a few groceries for breakfast.
I am settling in nicely. The room that i am sharing is really nice. I have a fairly big room and a big bed. Right now all my suitcases are sitting around my room waiting to be unpacked. However we are going to move down the hall in a few days to another room, so I am not sure how much I will unpack right now.
I can't wait to see Saipan in the daylight. I like what little I have been able to see so far!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I have just begun my year as a student missionary in the pacific islands. I will be spending a year in Saipan working in the office of the SDA elementary school. I will also be substitute teaching when needed.
As of now I am in Hawaii for orientation. But I will be leaving tomorrow morning for my island.
I have enjoyed my time in Hawaii. All of the students going to the islands converged on the island of Honolulu for four days. Most of us will be leaving tomorrow to go to our islands. We have been to many meetings designed to help us though the days ahead, though many of us wonder if any meeting can prepare us for the experience we will be facing. We have gotten to know each other better, and have made several friends that will be a major help to us when we are having a rough time on our respective islands.
So tomorrow afternoon I will be flying out of Hawaii to begin the adventure of a lifetime.